Thursday, December 13, 2007

Supply & Demand

This morning I woke up feeling weary.  More aware of weakness rather than grace, more aware of my "to-do's" than of all that God has done for me, and more aware of what I lack at the moment, than of the reality that my greatest need has been met through Christ.  

Though I despise the weariness, I love the result of the weariness --> Dependence!  I knew this morning that I needed to kneel before the cross and lay down my burdens.  I knew that I needed to find my sufficiency in Christ and not in myself.  What a sweet reminder!

I found this precious "gem" or truth in Beside Still Waters by Charles Spurgeon:

We have great demands, but Christ has great supplies.  Between here and heaven, we may have greater wants than we have yet known.  But all along the journey, every resting place is ready; provisions are laid up, good cheer is stored and NOTHING has been overlooked.  The commissary of the Eternal is absolutely perfect.

Do you sometimes feel so thirsty for grace that you could drink the Jordan dry?  More than a river could hold is given to you, so drink abundantly, for Christ has prepared a bottomless sea of grace to fill you with all the fullness of God.   DO NOT BE FRUGAL. Do not doubt your Savior.  Do not limit the Holy One of Israel.  Be great in your experience of His-all-sufficiency .  Be great in your praises of His bounty, and in heaven you will pour great treasures of gratitude at His feet.

What great mercy He has shown us!  


Mrs. Ellis said...

I love this post! How many times I grow weary, forgetting all His blessings! I love you, Sweetie!

Anonymous said...

What a great reminder! Thank God for Spurgeon!

Beka said...

Thank you thank you thank you for sharing this, Laura. I really needed to read those words today.

Sending a big hug...