I have so poorly captured this past year, and I will never be able to catch up now, but I have to pause now to remember you just as you are right now, since I can't hit pause (though I wish I could often) I don't want to forget these fun memories!
In a few short weeks you will be 2, and I can barely stand how quickly you are growing. In about 22 weeks you will become a big sister, and I know you will be a wonderful big sister! You already show so much interest in "the baby" as you talk to and kiss my belly on a daily basis. You call "it" baby boy and we will find out soon if you are right! I can't help but think that you might get along better with a little brother than a sister, we will see!
You are talking up a storm, and you keep daddy and I in stitches when you open your mouth! A few of your latest phrases are:
"what dats?" you are so curious and want to know what everything is!
"what you doing mommy" another frequently asked question, you always want to know what I am up to :) Sometimes you will ask 20 times in a row
You have begun to ask me questions only to answer with the same thing you think I am going to say. Mommy has discovered that she needs to come up with some new responses to your questions: "mommy yet's go outside? nope we're done. Watch leapfrog? nope we're done. Play choo choo train? nope we're done."
"mommy tiss!" you sometimes mix up your "K" sounds with t's so when you mean to ask for a kiss you tend to say tiss instead.
You are doing well with going on the potty. You generally go poo poo on the potty every day, Mommy just needs to get more consistent about putting you on for pee pee too. But you are so good about telling me when you need to go!
You have been so snuggly with me lately, I think you might be able to sense a big change coming. But I don't mind one bit. One thing I have learned this past year is time flies way too fast, and I know it won't be long before you will no longer want snuggles and won't even fit in my lap because my belly will be too big. So I am soaking it all in. Daddy thinks I am crazy, but occasionally you will wake up crying late at night, normally we would let you fuss for a few minutes and you would go right back to sleep, but now I jump right up and run in to rock you for a few minutes. I just can't miss a moment with you, I know you won't be my littlest for long and I can't fathom missing any chances I have to spend those quiet moments with you.
Spring is coming and you love playing outside! Every chance you get you want to go out for walks, and the whole time you point out anything and everything. Birds! Airplanes! Trees! Flowers! People! I love your excitement over every little thing, it's absolutely contagious.
You looove to sing, many times we catch you sitting on the floor playing while you sing "amazing grace" or "holy God" or "twinkle twinkle" and our favorite "God bless america" you amaze us with your ability to remember the lyrics to songs and we love to hear your joyful heart as you sing.
You have also become quite mischievous these days. You have discovered how to remove your clothes and diaper during naps or bedtime, several times mommy has come in to find you completely naked, and thankfully we can solve it at nighttime by putting your pj's on backwards. Still trying to figure out a naptime solution. You also have discovered a new fun trick: climbing out of your crib! I never thought I would see the day, but boy was I surprised when I heard that first boom from your room during naptime. I came running up to find you, little "houdini" out of her crib and apparently unscathed. We have now figured out that we can turn you crib around so the shorter side is against the wall, and you haven't quite figured out how to climb out from the side....and I am hoping that you don't figure it out either :)
You are still a good eater, but starting to get more picky. You love fruit, and especially Boobooberries (blueberries) as you refer to them. You ask for them every single meal, and if I say they are all gone you want proof! In fact if I tell you anything is all gone you demand to "see all gone" meaning you want to see the empty container. Silly girl. You also still love beans and rice, but aren't a huge fan of meat. You will eat meant however if we give you something to "dip" it in. Typical toddler.
I have been praying for a tender heart for you lately, praying that God would give me wisdom in how to show you grace. I have seen God working in many ways. We have been trying to teach you to pray and it has many times melted my heart to hear you say "jesus pwease help" on your own initiative. Baby steps, but thankful to see God at work nonetheless.
I love you sweet girl, being your Mommy has been one of the greatest joys of my life. I can't wait to see what the year ahead holds, and all that God has in store.