Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Birthday Blessing

Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel— 4 rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God. (1 Peter 3:3-4)

Yesterday was the birthday of my beautiful bride-to-be! If I were to count the ways way I am so thankful for her I could write a book that spans volumes! She is precious both in my eyes in God's. Laura is a woman who makes it a priority to daily spend time with God and would much rather her soul shaped by Him instead of spending time shaping her hair or doing makeup. Don't get me wrong, hair, makeup and clothing are priorities, but not the highest priority and she does know how to make herself look gorgeous with those means, but she knows that isn't her source of beauty.

I am grateful to God that I get to lead a care group with Laura. I know there is no other lady that I would want with me to lead others to embrace the cross more in their daily lives. Laura is an example to other ladies of what accountability looks like and passionately pursuing after God! One of the many things that I am thankful to God for Laura about is how she continually ask me good questions to draw me out about my sin and the condition of my heart.

When I think of Proverbs 31 I think of Laura. Since August 27th of last year I have been learning to safely trust her and find great gain as I've had her by my side. Because of God's grace in her life Laura is able to wear strength and honor as her clothing. Instead of spending her summer working she made herself a student of her mom cultivating the attributes and characteristics of Godly wife and mother so that when we have our own home she is able to tend to it well for God's glory. Laura is a woman that fears God and many women delight to fellowship with her. God has definitely gifted Laura with a heart of compassion that is seen in so many ways, whether it's practically caring for others or caring for the souls of other ladies. It is amazing to see how she is always available to be there for others.

I continually found myself in awe that God would you give you to me to honor, cherish and protect. I pray that you know our Father's love for you! Next to my Savior's sacrifice for my sin, you are the greatest gift that He's given me! I pray that every day I can help you to see God's grace in your life and feel encouraged by all the great things He is doing in you!

1 comment:

Doug E. said...

I hope she had a wonderful birthday.
